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Strong Woman Do Bong Soon
Can a woman with extraordinary powers defeat the serial killer hunting women and find love and acceptance on the way?

Military Prosecutor Doberman
Can a fair and just rookie prosecutor turn another successful yet money-grabbing prosecutor into a justice-hunting hound? What will be the outcome of such a partnership?

Doom at your service!
When a woman realizes that she doesn’t have long to live, what lengths would she go to, to survive? Will her plan of making Doom fall in love with her work?

The Descendants of the Sun
Can a doctor and a soldier find love in the unlikeliest of the circumstances?

Business Proposal
Can a stoic and serious business tycoon and a simple bubbly researcher fall in love?

What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim?
When secretary Kim resigns suddenly, what happens when the domineering and narcissistic boss realizes that he can’t live without her?

Can a consigliere for the mafia fight a powerful psychopath and get justice?

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When a high school student who only wants to study is forced to fight the bullies, will he survive or thrive?